Maths Text Books

Durante algún día tuvimos a nuestra disposición libros de texto de diferentes materias. En el caso de la asignatura de Matemáticas estuve echando un vistazo a algunos y a partir del ISBN, adjunto los que me parecieron interesantes.GCSE son las siglas de General Certificate of Secondary Education.
 Sin duda es la mejor manera de ver cómo se introducen  los diferentes contenidos con el uso apropiado del lenguaje matemático, corrección gramatical y vocabulario adecuado.

Written by examiners, this ultimate AQA Maths study and revision guide is all you need for GCSE exam success. With in-depth course coverage, plenty of practice questions, model answers, examiners comments and advice, you'll be on your way to achieving the best results in your exams.

ISBN 9781844192953

This updated and refreshed version of CGP's bestselling Revision Guide is the ideal companion to Foundation Level GCSE Maths - it even includes a free online edition that can be used wherever you have internet access. Every topic is explained in a concise, friendly style, with a sprinkling of CGP humour to keep things interesting.

 ISBN 9781841465371

This updated and refreshed version of CGP's bestselling Revision Guide is the ideal companion to Higher Level GCSE Maths.
ISBN 9781841465364
This Workbook (including answers and a free Online Edition) contains a huge range of practice questions for Foundation Level GCSE Maths - it's ideal for building up the vital skills throughout the course.
ISBN 9781841466484

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